Nigga’s ain’t Shit. Yeah your right, we’re not. Whenever I get a chance to ask a chick why she says N.A.S., the answer is rarely the same, but it does have one overwhelming theme; Disappointment. That is why I hold a little bit of compassion. (Granted the blanket statement of Nigga’s ain’t Shit is not the best way to voice your frustration or disappointment.) Understanding their frustrations is where my compassion ends. I hold no compassion for the disappointments themselves. Disappointments only come from your expectations not being lived up to. One thing about “niggas” is we are not good at keeping up a façade for a long time. We always show you who we are eventually. Most females are just blind to it, and/or don’t want to see it.
The first problem is a lot of girls build their expectations within the first 3 or 4 conversations. How is that even possible? DON'T start making assumptions. Don't assume that just because he has nice clothes, a nice car, a good job, nice crib, and all that, he WOULDN'T be an aint shit nigga. Expectations should arrive gradually. When you build those expectations at the beginning you naturally make yourself blind to the individual showing you their true colors. Those true colors are where your expectations should come from. I know a lot of girl are like “Why don’t they just show their true colors up front?” I don’t know the answer to that question? I told you we ain’t shit.
Problem number two is falling into the same pattern of behavior. Whether it’s going to the same places to meet people, or dating within the same social circles, or hooking up with the same type of dude, it’s all insane. I mean that in the most literal of ways. It truly is idiotic to do the same things and expect different results.
Let’s think about it for a second. IF you go to the club, meet a guy, and he turns out to be an idiot, what do you do? Go RIGHT back to the same club and meet the other guy you thought was cute. Insane right?
How about you hook up with dude, it doesn’t work out, and the next thing you know, you are rolling with his friend…… Insanity
(Do you know WHY I hang out with the dudes I hang out with? BECAUSE THEY ARE LIKE ME!!!!! WE HAVE COMMON INTERESTS!!! Which means, if HE is an idiot, so is his damn friend!!!!....)
I am an advocate of people having a type or a set of standards. BUT if you have been hurt before and you always end up with the same type of dude and your taste hasn’t developed then yeah, you guessed it……INSANE.
Date outside of your comfort zone. You don’t have to marry the dude just get out a lil bit. See what else is around. If you always date the same kind of person you don’t really know what you REALLY enjoy.
I know this was no dissertation but I wanted to give my quick 2 cents on the debate. You know I couldn’t be left out. I know I didn’t take any of the blame for our faults but trying to figure out why “niggas” do what we do would take a team of psychiatrists. I was just trying to give a little insight as to why some of yal keep running into so called “ain’t shit niggas” it’s simply because we all are not shit to some extent. Just open your eyes and see who you’re truly dealing with and that will save everyone a lot of disappointment.