As far as my first love that is fairly simple. I won’t call names out of respect and privacy, I’ll just use “26” as a place holder. I will never forget when I first saw her. It was in Granville Towers in summer of ’06 (She had on a jean mini skirt and the most tantalizing pair of wedges). The crazy thing is that she wasn’t even there to see me. She had come to see one of my teammates. Yes I was HOT. I didn’t do anything ‘shysty’, I just let it run its course. I know this was not the most stable of beginnings but it was a beginning and that was enough for me. When I finally got my shot it was the 4th of July. Coincidently we both wore the same shoes, all white Jordan IV’s (the last pair of J’s I ever saw her in) and we went to cold stone (Yep, she was the FIRST Cold stone date). We ended up missing the fireworks but we stayed in Granville parking lot for what had to be hours just talking about nothing and everything. That was my chance, and I probably did a horrible job but for some reason she kept me around. We continued to talk through the summer and into training camp. I was so excited when training camp came around, and she was coming to visit ME. Even though we just chilled outside the dorm making small talk, I don’t think she realized how much that meant at the time. Anybody who has been through a college training camp knows how much a visitor from the outside world can better your day. Once school started we had to go through that transition stage of getting used to being in college. I guess after a couple weeks of being on campus she realized there wasn’t another “Big” Vince walking around so she finally gave in, lol. It wasn’t until September 17 that I made it official (it was really the 16th but I didn’t want our anniversary to be on my bday, lol, selfish). I think we had the average freshman year, childish relationship. I think Chapter 1 of the Vince & 26 saga lasted until about the beginning of December. I’m going to try to keep this entry positive so I will leave the reasons for the breaks-ups private. We finally reconciled sometime in late February and Chapter 2 began. My memory is a little fuzzy from about February freshman year until about thanksgiving of junior year, lol. All I know is there were a lot of separate chapters during that span but a lot of emotional attachment gained as well. I remember when I stepped off the ledge and finally said the “L” word. Of course the response I received was “that’s nice” or something of the sort, lol. I may have been a little premature with my statement but there was no doubt about how I felt. Eventually that feeling was mutual, and no matter what, there was always this belief that whatever the drama it would get worked out one way or another.
I remember when I was in a relationship with 26, I would always tell my boys “that if she isn’t the one, she’s the prototype”. Today I still think that but in a totally different way then what I meant initially. When I said it back then I meant it as literal as possible. If I couldn’t have her, I wanted somebody who possessed everything she did. That feeling has changed a little bit. Not to take anything from her, she is a great person, and I have a ton of respect for her, but when I say she is the prototype now, I mean the love I had for her is my prototype. I had the most unconditional love for 26. I don’t know where it came from, or if it was even deserved but it was a good feeling to know that I could love like that. No matter how upset I was or whatever, at the end of the day, I loved the heck out of this person. Even though she may no longer be the prototypical person, she is the prototypical love. The love that I gave is the prototype that feeling is the prototype. That can’t be faked. I’m happy to have been able to go through that, and I’m sure now that I know what it feels like to unconditionally love someone & what it feels like to be in love, that feeling is the prototype.
Just a thought.
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