Sunday, March 20, 2011

If you're not the one, you're the Prototype. *2011 edition*

Even though I’m only 10 months into it, dating post undergrad is a scary scene. Not that it’s more difficult (it’s actually quite a bit easier), it’s just the pressure of the situation now. There are no for play-play relationships after graduation. It gets real, quick. Being in a relationship post graduation takes on an entirely new meanin. The dynamics of attraction have changed. Back in undergrad there were a lot more superficial reason’s to date people. Needless to say, a lot of that disappears upon graduation.

I don’t wanna get to far away from my intentions for writing this. Back when I was a sophomore I made this childish facebook album (Link) about my prototypical girl. Looking back I admit it was immature, especially how superficial it was. While the content of the album was childish I do not disagree with having a set of standards/expectations. I’m going to try to re-examine mine from a more mature stance for my 2011 edition. To stick with the mature theme, I’m going to try to stray away from physical attributes as much as possible. Here we go;

1) Class

A lot of people like to say education, I disagree. There is a big difference between the two. There are a lot of educated women who lack the basics of class. There is a social education process, which has a lot to do with what you are exposed to, that is extremely valuable as well. A lack of class is the easiest way for an educated person to come across as ignorant. As you grow and mature you begin to value being around cultivated and tasteful people, and that extends to choosing a partner.

2) Achievements so far.

A lot of females like to say they want a dude with goals. That’s all fine and good, but plenty of people go broke betting on potential. I know we are all young adults and have plenty room to grow and mature. With that said by the time we graduate undergrad there is a certain amount of things you should have in order for your stated “goals” to hold value.

3) Respectable Track Record

With this I don’t mean your sex number. I’m over that. What I mean is the kind of dudes you have been associated with. You could be one of the most put together girls around but we always see your always associated with some ain’t shit dude, it’s a turn off. Females don’t realize how much attention we really pay to the quality of dudes you’ve allowed yourself to be associated with. There have been females who have had it all but I’ve been turned off because I don’t wanna become a part of that weak ass past boyfriend fraternity. For example, females always wonder why the basketball wives always bounce back with another balla. It’s because of the company they keep. Dudes see that she associates herself with high quality individuals and believe it or not we appreciate having a girl that other dudes we respect hold with high esteem.

4) Humble

I know this word is gonna ruffle a few feathers, especially from my “Successful Black Females”. To be clear I don’t mean subservient or submissive when I say humble. This is one of those attributes that I really have trouble explaining but it’s so important. I mean humble in interactions with your partner. That kinda “you mean the world to me”  feeling someone can give you by how they act. A lot of prominent women won’t succumb to that sort of attitude, but please believe that us males like to have the comfort of knowing we mean the world to you, also.

5) Loyal

Prove that you can stay instead of proving you will leave.

Just a thought

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