Monday, June 13, 2011

30 Day Challenge Day 3. Your views on Drugs and Alcohol.

My views on Drugs & Alcohol? I honestly don't group them together. I feel like they have two totally different dangers. I enjoy alcohol, I am deathly afraid of drugs. I honestly did not have my first drink until summer school of my freshman year in college. I've heard this was a bit of a late start. I don't think I lived a particularly sheltered life in high school; I just never really had the urge or pressure to try it. I never really looked at alcohol as a really bad thing. I mean I know it has ruined tons of lives and families and all that good stuff but I’ve personally never frowned upon the activity. I mean I've frowned upon some individuals who can't hold their liquor. I just look at it as one of those things that if you can control your urges and enjoy in moderation it is not that big of a deal. I don't really have a strong opinion about alcohol as I'm sure you can tell. Drugs on the other hand, I just don't know how people get involved in them. I'm terrified of them. I will be honest, I'm not totally innocent here. I dabbled with weed once after the spring game my junior year. My friends who know the story understand why I won't do it again, lol. Seriously though I'm really terrified of the so called "addictive drugs". Like I just feel like if I tried it once I would be hooked for life. Like I won't even as much as smoke a cigarette because of the fear of being hooked forever. I don't think I necessarily have an addictive personality, it's just scary to think that something could have that much of a strangle hold over you. (Besides a woman)

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